Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer's Winding Down

Well, summer is almost over for me. I went to school today to pick up my $ from the governor & worked in my classroom w/ Emma for 2 hours. It's not really all my room at this point---they are storing the fridge, copy machine, table & chairs from the teacher workroom in there. Great! Hopefully, that will be removed by the time the kids start! The least they could do is fill up the fridge with some tasty snacks or something!
Here's how we're spending every afternoon this week!


Unknown said...

Were you keeping Emma from her boyfriend? She does not look happy!

Sue said...

uh, yea...did you meet your Grand-daughter? She's always grumpy in the afternoon!

laurie said...

Sarah is just the cooooooolest chick ever! Peace sign?! :) too funny! Wish I was there with ya at the pool!